Author news: Charles Petzold begins a new column

Hello. We’re excited to help spread the word about Charles Petzold’s new MSDN Magazine column: DirectX Factor. (By the way, watch for a post from us very soon with an update about the about-to-publish Programming Windows, Sixth Edition. Hint: you have just a few days left to buy the ebook at a discounted price.)

From the Petzold Book Blog:

Introducing DirectX Factor

I am thrilled to announce that beginning in the January 2013 issue of MSDN Magazine, I will be writing a new column called DirectX Factor focusing on using DirectX in Windows 8 (and Windows Phone 8) applications. You can read the first installment on line, as well as Michael Desmond's Editor's Note about the new column.

Like many developers, I've been very intrigued by the strategy Microsoft has taken with Windows 8. For writing Windows Store applications, three general approaches are available, all of which combine a markup langauge and a programming language:

  • Managed code (C# or Visual Basic) with XAML
  • Native code (C++) with XAML
  • JavaScript with HTML

Read the rest of Charles’s post here.