Lots of offerings to celebrate the Microsoft SQL Server 2012 launch

In celebration of the Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Virtual Launch Event on March 7, 2012, Microsoft Press will be offering all kinds of great stuff!

First, if you are a registered attendee of the launch event, you will be able to download the ebook of Windows PowerShell 2.0 Administrator’s Pocket Consultant, by William Stanek, free of charge.




SQLServer2012PocketConsultant_coverSecond, you can now download sample chapters from William Stanek’s new book, Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Pocket Consultant, here.





Third, on March 7, you can save 50% on a selection of William Stanek ebook titles, including Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Pocket Consultant . Check the "Special Offer" section of our blog (in the right margin) on Wednesday for the link to the special sale page!
