New book: MCPD 70-519 Exam Ref: Designing and Developing Web Applications Using Microsoft .NET Framework 4


With all the Microsoft Press books published before the new year, we forgot to post a “New book” announcement for MCPD 70-519 Exam Ref: Designing and Developing Web Applications Using Microsoft® .NET Framework 4  (ISBN 9780735657267; 304 pages) by Tony Northrup. We apologize for the oversight, but better late than never.

Tony’s book is the first in the new Microsoft Press Exam Ref series, and one of three Exam Refs currently available, with more on the way in 2012. The book is a great way to prepare for the MCPD 70-519 exam, the Pro-level exam required for the MCPD: Web Developer 4 certification

To give you a look inside, here’s the book’s Table of Contents, and an excerpt from the section on 70-519 exam objective 4.2 (Design an authentication and authorization model):


Chapter 1: Designing the Application Architecture

· Objective 1.1: Plan the Division of Application Logic

· Objective 1.2: Analyze Requirements and Recommend a System Topology

· Objective 1.3: Choose Appropriate Client-Side Technologies

· Objective 1.4: Choose Appropriate Server-Side Technologies

· Objective 1.5: Design State Management

· Chapter Summary

· Answers

Chapter 2: Designing the User Experience

· Objective 2.1: Design the Site Structure

· Objective 2.2: Plan for Cross-Browser and/or Form Factors

· Objective 2.3: Plan for Globalization

· Chapter Summary

· Answers

Chapter 3: Designing Data Strategies and Structures

· Objective 3.1: Design Data Access

· Objective 3.2: Design Data Presentation and Interaction

· Objective 3.3: Plan for Data Validation

· Chapter Summary

· Answers

Chapter 4: Designing Security Architecture and Implementation

· Objective 4.1: Plan for Operational Security

· Objective 4.2: Design an Authentication and Authorization Model

· Objective 4.3: Plan for Minimizing Attack Surfaces

· Chapter Summary

· Answers

Chapter 5: Preparing for and Investigating Application Issues

· Objective 5.1: Choose a Testing Methodology

· Objective 5.2: Design an Exception Handling Strategy

· Objective 5.3: Recommend an Approach to Debugging

· Objective 5.4: Recommend an Approach to Performance Issues

· Chapter Summary

· Answers

Chapter 6: Designing a Deployment Strategy

· Objective 6.1: Design a Deployment Process

· Objective 6.2: Design Configuration Management

· Objective 6.3: Plan for Scalability and Reliability

· Objective 6.4: Design a Health Monitoring Strategy

· Chapter Summary

· Answers


