Quick news: App Hub ready for Mango apps

In case you missed it, check out Todd Brix’s “Marketplace & Tools Open for Mango App Submission” post on the Windows Phone Developer Blog. Here’s the opening of the post:

We promised in late July that August would bring another round of developer news. That day has come! Today we will begin accepting and certifying Mango apps through the App Hub. This means that new and existing titles optimized for Mango features like fast app switching, background audio, multiple and double sided Live Tiles, better Search integration and more will begin publishing in a matter of days. Now that’s not to say that Mango will arrive on existing devices in the coming days (sorry, not quite yet). It does, however, mean that people running early builds of Mango will see these new apps and games. And of course, in addition to new and updated apps for Mango, the nearly 30,000 Windows Phone app and game titles available today will also run on Mango. Below I cover a few more items we’ve added to help bring your great Mango apps to market.