Directions: Deltag og vær helt up to date med NAV "Crete"

Kære Partner,

Directions er stedet at være, hvis du vil være helt up-to-date på Microsoft Dynamics NAV ”Crete”, der bliver released i sidste kvartal af 2014. Se beskrivelsen her på engelsk:

Some of the highlights of this release include new partner opportunities with the new touch first tablet experience, Improved end to end upgrade improvements and this release will also provide end users with the ability to design document report layouts with Microsoft Word. By participating in this event, you can serve your customers with this release faster. Directions is also the event to meet with Microsoft team members from R&D, marketing, pricing and support.  

Road 2 Repeatability (R2R) is a program designed to build a new business focused on increasing the number of SMB customers you win to achieve substantial market share and be more profitable. The program provides a holistic set of training materials covering changes in business model, marketing, sales, product development and services delivery. We have run the R2R program successfully for some years now and we are delivering the “Road to Repeatability RAMP Workshop” as a pre-event at Directions.

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Vi anbefaler, at der deltager minimum 1 person fra hver NAV-partner, så jeres virksomhed er fuldt ud opdateret vedrørende Microsoft Dynamics NAV ”Crete”.

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