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Commerce Server 2007 Webcasts

Commerce Server 2007 BizTalk Adapters In Action
Presenters: Brian Blum and Alan Faulkner, Microsoft
In this session, Brian and Alan walk you through all aspects of working with the Commerce Server BizTalk adapters. The session covers creation of send ports and receive ports, property schemas, configuration validation, schema deployment, and troubleshooting. Along the way, you'll learn invaluable tips and techniques for successfully developing integration applications with Commerce Server 2007 and BizTalk Server 2006.

Developing with the Commerce Server 2007 Marketing System
Presenters: Madhur Joshi and David Lott, Microsoft
The Commerce Server 2007 Marketing System provides rich user-centric targeting functionality including discounting and promotions capabilities, targeted advertising, and personalized direct e-mail campaigns. In this session, Madhur and David show you first-hand how to harness the power and flexibility of the Marketing System runtime. Topics covered include: house ads, paid ads, targeting expressions, direct e-mail template creation, web.config settings used by the Marketing System, code for running the basket pipeline for discounting, and troubleshooting techniques.

Commerce Server 2007 Product Catalog Deep-dive
Presenter: Austin Skyles, Microsoft
The Commerce Server 2007 Product Catalog System is a highly scalable and high-performance system for modeling electronic catalogs. It includes a flexible schema model, powerful XML import and export capabilities, rich search features, a Web service interface for building distributed applications, and out-of-the-box applications for catalog management. In this session, Austin explains these aspects of the system, covers a high-level view of the architecture, and shows how to get started with coding against the system.

Commerce Server 2007 Overview
Presenter: Mark Townsend is the Group Program Manager for the Commerce Server team.
Commerce Server 2007 is Microsoft’s answer to extend ASP.NET 2.0 to support e-business scenarios. This talk provides overview of the e-commerce functionality in Commerce Server 2007 plus the supporting Business User and IT Professional tools included to provide an end-to-end e-commerce solution.

Multi-Channel, Connected Commerce (BTS/CS integration)
Presenter: Caesar Samsi is a program manager on the Commerce Server team.
Enabling multi-channel retail scenarios beyond point-of-sale or online-only sales, integrating with line-of-business systems, and synchronizing data with B2B trading partners represent three of the largest challenges in e-business today. This talk provides an overview of how Commerce Server 2007, in partnership with BizTalk Server 2006, provides a compelling answer to this complex technology challenge.