Devweek 2007 - Designing WPF applications with Expression and Visual Studio


Like some of my other team mates, I'll be at Devweek 2007 in London in the new year presenting about Expression and Visual Studio and the Designer-Developer workflow.

More details about Devweek can be found on the Devweek site:

Designing WPF Applications with Expression Interactive Designer and VS 2005
Mark Johnston
User Experience is becoming increasingly important in today’s software industry, and is seen as a key differentiator for vendors and consumers alike in their purchasing decisions. This session will cover the technology, Windows Presentation Foundation, and the tools, Visual Studio and Expression, which create rich and compelling user experiences on the Windows platform. In particular, the session will focus on the designer-developer workflow from a developer’s perspective and how to take a design concept from idea through to implementation with Expression Interactive Designer and Visual Studio.

Should be fun!