Management Studio Reports – Part 1 – Finding the Reports

Did you know that there is a set of pre-made reports in Management Studio that can help database administrators gather information in many common areas?  There are reports for CPU, memory, disk, sessions, queries, transactions, and more baked right into Management Studio.  You can access these reports in SQL Server 2005 and SQL Server 2005 SP1 by following these steps:

  1. Open Management Studio
  2. Highlight a server instance or database in Object Explorer
  3. Open the Summary Page (F7)
  4. Click on the Reports button

There are multiple reports available per Object Explorer node type.  If you highlight a server instance in Object Explorer, you will have a different set of reports to view than if you highlight a database.

This blog post is the first in a multi-part series where I will describe some of my favorite reports and how they can be used.  See the attached video (SSMS Reports - 1.WMV) for a quick demo of how the Management Studio Reports can be used with SQL Server 2005 and Microsoft Excel 2007.

If you’d like, I’ll try to get clearance to post the Reporting Services (.RDL) files so you can design your own reports to run in your SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services environment.


SSMS Reports - 1.wmv