Rainy day

Today it rained all day.  Parking around our building genearlly sucks. 
On rainy days it really SUCKS.  If you get to work past 9, which I did today,
it can be brutal.  I got soaked walking in to the building, but at least I got
a semi-legal spot. 

At lunchtime, as I was walking back from the Cafe in building 4, a MS employee
was coming out of my building, escorting someone wearing a visitor badge -- my guess
would be an interview candidate.  As we passed, me going in, them going
out, I overheard him say in a salesmaney tone and gesturing at the sky, "this
is about as bad as it gets."  I couldn't help but chuckle to myself, as I thought "Well,
except the ceiling gets much much lower, and it lasts until April... But yeah, the
drops are about the same size." 

This evening it got windy and warm (not quite like Santa Ana winds but it made
me think of them) -- I guess we're in for a big storm, although it can't be that
bad, because they don't have the "Autum Storm 2003" banners on the news reports yet. 
(But they are calling it "breaking news") I did hear a traffic report on the way home,
though, where they were referring to the 520 bridge as a "free car wash" because the
water that was spraying up onto the roadway.  Blech, I'm glad I live and work
on the same side of the bridge.

After you live here for a while, (if you're the kind who stays), you don't really
notice the rain so much any more... you just wear gortex and go on with your life. 
Time to switch my fleece for my gortex. 

Oh wait, update.  The banner/graphic says "October Storm," at least on King5
;-)  Wow it does look like it was pretty bad in the north sound.