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5 min. screencast: Live Geometry overview

Microsoft sponsored a usability study for my side project Live Geometry, and I have to say, it was awesome. It was a lot of fun watching the participants using the software and I got a ton of great and useful feedback.

I have to confess, I didn’t realize that it’s not obvious how to use Live Geometry (especially if you’ve never seen it before). Since I was the one who developed the software, I subconsciously assumed that it’s all intiutive and trivial. Well guess what, it turns out to be not the case. I am not the end user. Things that are obvious for me, might not be obvious for others.

So I developed a plan on how to make things better. There are two ways: improving User Experience and investing in User Education. The former will be a slow and gradual process of me designing the features and the UI, fixing bugs, reworking the UI and thinking through UI details.

Today I’ll start approaching the task of User Education and present a 5 min. screencast – a brief overview of the Live Geometry software and its possibilities (Hint: double-click the video for fullscreen viewing):

Get Microsoft Silverlight

You can also download the .wmv file (15 MB).

More documentation will follow later, but this should at least give a quick start and give you an idea of how things work.

Any feedback is welcome!