Should Call Hierarchy display compiler-generated member calls?

[A quick reminder, Call Hierarchy is a new IDE feature in VS 2010]

In the comments to the previous post, a reader is asking:

But why are the query operator method calls ignored by the Call Hierarchy?

var r = from i in new[] { 1, 2, 3 }

       where i > 1

       select i;

The code snippet above calls Enumerable.Where and Enumerable.Select, and I reacon they should go into Call Hierarchy, which is not the case of the current beta. Any hint on this?

This is actually a good question. We thought about this issue in the feature design meetings and the reasoning behind the decision not to show the LINQ methods was as follows. The foreach statement also calls GetEnumerator and MoveNext, lock calls Monitor.TryEnter (or something similar??), not to mention other places where compiler-generated code calls members (e.g. the yield return state machine, lambdas, etc). The question is simple: where do we stop? In other words, how deep do we go down the abstraction ladder?

This also applies to things like calling += on events, which actually calls Delegate.Combine, calling a delegate calls the Invoke method, etc. etc. We decided that we will only show a member call in Call Hierarchy if the compiler actually sees the member’s symbol in the source code. Find All References also follows this pattern, e.g. if you look for Point, you will have two references in Point p = new Point(); and only one reference in var p = new Point(); – since the symbol doesn’t show up in your source code, we don’t mention it. This might be misleading actually, also when you’re looking for calls to a method, we won’t show you places where you create a delegate that points to this method (or method group).

Do you think this reasoning is OK or would you like us to change the feature’s behavior? If yes, how exactly should it behave? Also keep in mind that changing this behavior at this point will be pretty costly (i.e. I will have to retest everything!). Not even to mention that our dev will have to change the implementation :)
