why are windows sdk samples installed differently?

Managed and unmanaged samples are handled differently in the Windows SDK due to resourcing constraints in the Microsoft Product Units that provide the samples. Managed samples are packaged within the SDK documentation and Win32 samples are installed to a user’s hard drive as loose files in the file system.


managed samples

Managed samples are submitted to the SDK Team by various UE teams around Microsoft in the form of doc (HxS) files and packaged within the SDK documentation. Samples are accessed through the Documentation Table of Contents.

win32 samples

Currently, the teams that provide the Win32 samples are not able to provide the samples in doc format as the managed sample teams do. This may change in the future, but for now the Win32 samples are shipped as loose files and are installed to a user’s hard drive as loose samples in the file system. The Windows SDK directory layout looks like this:<o:p></o:p>



















