Getting Path from an XmlNode

I actually posted this about a year ago, but just ran across a need for the snippet again.  Thought posting here might benefit others as well as serve as a repository.  This allows you to get the path of a given XML node, as well as getting the qualified name of the node.

  private string GetQName(XmlNode node)
string qname = string.Empty;

   if (node.NamespaceURI.CompareTo(string.Empty) != 0)
if (node.Prefix.CompareTo(string.Empty) != 0)
//If the prefix is present, use it.

     if (node.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Attribute){qname = "@";}
qname = qname + node.Prefix + ":" + node.LocalName ;
//The node is in the default namespace, the prefix is not
if (node.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Attribute)
qname = "@*[local-name() = '" + node.LocalName + "' and
namespace-uri()='" + node.NamespaceURI + "']";
//QName is a misnomer here, but the current node belongs in a
non-prefixed namespace...
qname = "node()[local-name() = '" + node.LocalName + "' and
namespace-uri()='" + node.NamespaceURI + "']";
if (node.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Attribute)
qname = "@" + node.Name;
qname = node.Name;
} return(qname);

  private string GetPathFromNode(XmlNode baseNode)
string path = "";
XmlNodeList nodes = null;
if(baseNode.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Attribute )
nodes = baseNode.SelectNodes("ancestor::*");
nodes = baseNode.SelectNodes("ancestor-or-self::* |
foreach(XmlNode node in nodes)
int nodePosition =
node.SelectNodes("preceding-sibling::*[local-name()='" + node.LocalName + "'
and namespace-uri()='" + node.NamespaceURI + "']").Count +1;
path += "/" + GetQName(node) + "[" + nodePosition.ToString() + "]";
if(baseNode.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Attribute)
path += "/" + GetQName(baseNode);