Why in the world are our notebooks wrapped in plastic?

This is new. One of the nice things about Microsoft is our office supply rooms. We can go in any time and grab a pen, pencil or binder clips or whatever we need to get our jobs done. One of the items we have available are small  spiral bound notebooks - about 8 in. x10 in. or so. We've had them for years and I have a pile of them with old notes and status for too many versions of Outlook to count.

When I first came to OneNote, I realized I don't need to use these notebooks any more and moved everything to OneNote. We even managed to get some flyers printed for free to distribute with the notebooks around campus to let everyone know that OneNote can replace the need for physical notebooks. I've been looking for a copy of that little insert for awhile - I lost mine.

Anyway, this started happening recently:


Yes, the notebooks are now wrapped in cellophane. For the life of me, I cannot understand why…

Questions, comments, concerns and criticisms always welcome,
