Signing off

After nearly two decades providing customer support at Microsoft, I've decided to take a well-earned break.

One plan for the summer is to sit in the garden sipping cool beer whilst writing a book on MSMQ. We'll see how that pans out. If you have any suggestions for what to include then by all means drop me a line.

I won't be disappearing, though, and still plan to maintain a presence on the Internet somewhere.

If you found this blog useful then hopefully the new content at Blog.PlumbersMate.EU will be equally well received. (Thanks to the cybersquatters for taking up most of the available domain names... )

Don't forget the new MSMQ forum which recently replaced the various newsgroups.

And anything on Twitter with a #MSMQ tag is bound to attract my attention.

Thanks to Microsoft for providing me with this blogging platform and, of course, to you all out there for reading, commenting and emailing over the last 3-4 years.

John Breakwell