BOOK Review: Secrets of Podcasting

I’m not sure if the book is really fun of “Secrets”, but at 200 pages for $19.99 it is full of your money’s worth of references and resources. It is a quick guide to all the steps in starting your own podcast, but not very detailed.

What was most useful to me, and what I haven’t found in any other book, is the great list of software and hardware recommendations.

If your new to the whole “audio production” game, jumping in can be overwhelming. So much to choose from and so many opinions. I love the fact that the author, Bart Farkas, steps up a lists many choices for hardware and software ranging from free to Top-Tier.

Figuring out softwrae and hardware can be tough. For $20 this book is an asset !

I read it just before launching my first 3 shows at