Monad (PowerShell) functions for simple monitoring of current TFVC server requests

This isn't exposed via our object model, but we have a couple of web methods exposed via VersionControl/v1.0/Administration.asmx that give you the current requests, optionally with the details of the request (QueryServerRequests, QueryServerRequestsWithDetails).

Using Monad's built-in xml adaptor, we can still leverage these calls.  Here's a few simple functions for monitoring what's currently going on with the TFVC server.

If you want to be able to run these against your TFVC server on a machine other than the server itself, you'll need to edit the file [TF Server Install Dir]\Web Services\web.config and in the webServices section change the 2 "remove" strings to "add" to allow post/get access (well, at least the HttpGet one).

In each of the functions, I used the full name to help make it clear what's going on (format-table instead of ft, clear-host instead of clear, start-sleep instead of sleep, etc.).

Caveat: there's likely a better way to do this - I just needed something quick.

function requests_raw
   param ([string]$server = "localhost")

   $wc = new-object System.Net.WebClient
   $wc.Credentials = [System.Net.CredentialCache]::DefaultCredentials
   $url = "https://$($server):8080/VersionControl/v1.0/administration.asmx/QueryServerRequests"
   $x = [xml]$wc.DownloadString($url)

function requests
   param ([string]$server = "localhost")

   requests_raw $server | sort -descending executiontime | format-table -auto user,webmethod,executiontime,serverprocessid

function watch_requests
   param ([string]$server = "localhost", [int]$sleep_time = 300)

   for (;;) { clear-host ; requests $server ; start-sleep $sleep_time }