Upcoming VSCmdShell Addin Project Roadmap

So far I have a bunch of downloads and some feedback for the 0.8 release. I've also been asked what my plans moving forward are.  I'm not a fan of dates. The unpredictability of writing software is bad enough without having to account for when I have openings in my schedule to support my software writing habits.  I instead have a list of features and bug fixes in mind that I want to have done before I declare a 1.0 release and a rough goal that 1.0 launches (At Latest) with Whidbey and ships a VS 2003 version as well.  Here is the feature list I'm working towards. Let me know if you disagree with the rankings or have any of your own ideas after working with this.

  1. Default launching to the users solution directory
  2. Supporting replacement, auto complete for, and aliases of VS environment variables like $(ProjectDir). 
  3. An options page with support for:
    1. Changing the default startup directory (support VS Env variables).
    2. Ability to enter additional bat files or change the default bat file run on launch.
    3. Font/Color selection (I may just change it to pick whatever you have set for the Command Window)
  4. Additional Entry points:
    1. From withing the rt click inside the solution explorer to open to project/file locations
    2. From the rt click on open files in the shell “Open Cmd Prompt in File Directory“
    3. A keyboard shortcut :-)
    4. Moving it off of the tools menu into the windows menu
  5. A left side toolbar ala the Command Prompt Explorer Bar project with buttons specific and useful for the VS Environment
  6. Support for custom shell definitions.  This would enable people to point to a shell besides cmd.exe.
  7. Some ability to CTL-BREAK.  It won't be perfect, but it will be better than none.
  8. XML defined colorization files.
  9. Your suggestion here???