Microsoft Translator Widget

This week I stumbled upon the new (and very cool) Microsoft Translator Widget.

Actually, this isn't really new (apparently it has been available for over six months now) but it was certainly new to me.

A colleague of mine on a previous project pointed out the Microsoft Translator site back in March, but somehow I was oblivious to the Translator Widget until just this week. many things to keep abreast of these days.

I've added the Translator Widget to my MSDN blog this morning. Interesting tidbit - it required more time to tweak the Community Server CSS rules in order to make room for the 200px minimum width required by the Translator Widget than it did to actually integrate the feature onto my blog.

All you have to do to integrate this feature on your site is:

  1. Enter the URL of your site
  2. Read and agree to the terms of use
  3. Click the Generate Code button
  4. Copy/paste a small amount of HTML into your site

You can read more about the Microsoft Translator Widget on the Translation team's blog if you want more details.