Something Cool for the CRS crowd

image Do you suffer from CRS syndrome, you know ‘Can’t Remember Stuff’ (or something like that…).  Well, Microsoft Recite may be just what you need.  Recite is a Windows Mobile 6-based application that you can use to record notes to yourself on your mobile device.  Ok, so that’s not all that revolutionary in itself.  What makes Recite cool is its use of voice-recognition technology to catalogue your clips and allow you to search for them based on words or phrases you’ve used in the recordings.

How’s it work? 

Microsoft Recite analyzes speech features using an ensemble of supervised and unsupervised classifiers and employs a noise robust approximate and scoring of generic symbol streams for matching. 

Say what????  Here’s an English translation:

I can record “Grocery Store, pick up milk” in the morning.  When my wife calls at lunch time and says we need bread, I can record another note, “Need bread from grocery store”.  Now on my ride home, when I stop at the store, I can do a verbal search using Recite by uttering “grocery store” to bring up the two clips I recorded earlier. 

It’s as simple as Remember (record), Search, and Play.  Note the clips are ranked via the blue bars (circled in the Play column below) to give you an idea of how well the clip matches with the verbalized search criteria.

Remember Search Play
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Microsoft Recite is currently in a Technology Preview stage and is a free download.  Give it a try and use the Feedback link to let us know what you think.