Chicago Tribune: CRM MVP Spotlighted

The CRM MVP Team is comprised of a stellar group of people from all over this blue marble. So it was not surprise to this Microsoftie when this article appeared.

Darren Liu helps his native land make use of more-sophisticated tool for marketing

January 13, 2008

Chicago Tribune: In his spare time, 25-year-old Darren Liu blogs and contributes to several Microsoft software-focused Google newsgroups.

But what started out as a hobby turned into a career opportunity: Liu found himself answering questions from Chinese professionals who couldn't find enough technical support in their own language. Last month Microsoft tapped Liu to provide a multiday training session in Beijing while he was there on vacation.

Liu works in an industry known as Customer Relationship Management, or CRM, which broadly describes software that businesses use to organize and analyze customer data. While CRM has become a fairly routine area of spending for retailers and financial service firms in the U.S., it is only now taking hold in countries such as China, where businesses need more-sophisticated strategies to reach a huge and growing class of consumers.