City of London Drives Efficiencies Using CRM

This just in from my friend Ben Piquard.

"LondonCRM City of London Corporation is making more efficient use of resources by multi-skilling its contact centre agents to handle complex enquiries across its range of services and departments.

The contact centre is to provide frontline contact for the City of London’s many departments. With the support of a package of technology including scripting tools, the contact centre is improving customer service, efficiencies and enhancing quality of management information.

The scripting tools are configurable to the enquiries received by any department, providing the agents with a series of rules-based questions that consistently capture the information required to resolve an enquiry either at first point of contact, or to provide a comprehensive and structured handover to specialist departments.

The contact centre is driving further improvements in customer service through improved call intelligence to identify how City of London can better utilise their resources to meet customer’s needs."

You will have to register, but the presentation is very interesting.