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Would you use an Operations chm for SCOM?

Currently, we post all of our Operations Manager documentation for download in doc format, and also post it on TechNet. And lately I've been thinking about whether we should also post .chms for download.

I know .chm is a rather old-fashioned format, but personally I like it. I like the left nav for browsing, I prefer the .chm search to Word's, and unless it's a long narrative, I find it easier to read. I'm more comfortable following internal links in a .chm than a .doc because it's easier to find my way back to where I was. I also like the freedom of the offline experience (that's in comparison to TechNet rather than .doc format).

For operations, Operations Manager has a User's Guide and an Administrator's Guide. If a .chm version of each of those guides was offered for download, would you download it? Would you find it useful?

I haven't worked out all of the how-to details yet, but with a local .chm, you can create a console task to open the .chm from inside the Operations console. Is that something you would be interested in?

If you are in favor of .chms of our operations content, what other content would be more useful to you in .chm format?

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