Cyrus enhances Optional<>

Cyrus just can’t stop!  First he Refactored Optional<>, basically to use a singleton for None<>


interface IOptional<A>


    A Value { get; }


class None<A> : IOptional<A>


    public static readonly IOptional<A> Instance = new None<A>();

    private None() { }

    A IOptional<A>.Value


        get { throw new InvalidOperationException(); }



class Some<A> : IOptional<A>


    readonly A value;

    public Some(A value)


        this.value = value;


    A IOptional<A>.Value




            return value;





He kept getting annoyed with himself for having an interface with only one method (IOptional), as that’s a smell that you need a delegate. I insisted that an interface is the right thing, because a delegate isn’t just a single-method interface – it also is just about “shape”. That is, a method with the right signature can satisfy a matching delegate, but you can’t satisfy an interface with a class unless you actually inherit from that interface.

To put it another way: methods don’t inherit from delegates.

Or yet another: inheritance counts from something.

He finally agreed and let it be.