So what do you think are the Top 10 Enterprise features of Windows Mobile 6?

At MEDC in May one of the other sessions I've got to present (apart from the security session I've already gathered your great feedback on) is a session around the Top 10 Features for Enterprise customers of Windows Mobile 6.

Now I know many of you won't have had a chance yet to use Windows Mobile 6 however hopefully you've been checking out the guide I posted as well as some of the blog posts.

The Top 10 I came up with was as follows:


1.Mobile Messaging enhancements

2.Office Mobile

3.Enhanced Security capabilities

4.Increased Calendaring capabilities

5.Internet Explorer Browser Enhancements

6.Windows Mobile Update

7.Remote Desktop Mobile

8.Development Platform Benefits

9.Windows Mobile Device Center

10.Mobile Document Access


So what are the top 10 features you would pick?


I'd love to hear all your feedback!