Windows Vista - moving laptop - easy peasy!

Wow!  I was totally blown away today.....

I've been running Vista on my Toshiba M400 and found it great... one problem though... I had some thunderflys caught under the screen which was really annoying.

My colleague offered to loan me an IBM Thinkpad T60 whilst the M400 was being repaired...

I initially thought - there goes my day getting the new machine setup...

How wrong I was.

I just took out the Hard Drive from my M400 and put it in the T60.

Vista booted first time and then installed all the new necessary drivers... All I had to do was go into the Control Panel to change the screen resolution and my machine was fully operational... it took 10 minutes!!!!

Having been around in the AUTOEXEC.BAT and CONFIG.SYS days, created numerous machine builds and spent way too much time with Ghost... I was massively impressed how easily Vista coped with swapping to a completely different set of hardware!!