Can you live without your Mobile?

O2 recently sponsored a report with the Centre for Economic and Business Research (CEBR) to investigate the impact of Mobile Phone's on Business.

The report you can read it ... 

The report reveals that mobile workers now represent 27% of the total UK workforce, with 69% of the workforce considering mobile essential to conducting their jobs effectively. Mobile workers consist of those who spend more than a third of their working day out-of-the-office travelling, at meetings, working offsite or at home. Two thirds (more than 5 million) of UK mobile workers are found to be represented by mobile blue-collar workers. 

So can you live without your mobile?

I don't think I could.... it's fudamental to be being able to talk with customers, stay on top of my email, give me my diary and tell me what I'm supposed to do :)  Quite a lot of responsibility for such a little guy!

I think the most telling example was when we were in antenatal classes and the midwife said to the mothers - make sure Dad to be always has their mobile phone close to hand in the 2 weeks before due date... my wife replied - "it's never out of his hand" :(