SYSK 240: AJAX.NET – Resolution for Sys.ScriptLoadFailedException when Opening Login page

Are you getting Microsoft JScript runtime error: Sys.ScriptLoadFailedException:

The script '/YourSiteName/ScriptResource.axd?d=ebUIu-RsatQBXvExgP5y3pvOqX2PbIJ6uav4Avk4QzmounX74siwLINKKPmlFz54oTPVrGJa4XpgCYiosTExfEdJoHleHTQaH7TE19A6Hqg1&t=632986009464531250' could not be loaded or does not contain the Sys.Application.notifyScriptLoaded() callback


Is your authentication mode = “Forms”? Does it happen when you’re loading your login page?


To resolve the problem, add:

<location path="ScriptResource.axd">



                        <allow users="*"/>





to your web.config.