Imagining a More Engaging Web: 3rd Anniversary of IE Test Drive

As developers build on the full capabilities of HTML5, touch, and hardware accelerated graphics, the web today is more engaging for consumers than many imagined. The experiences developers are building today simply were not possible just a few years ago.

Saturday marked the third anniversary of the IE Test Drive site. What started as a few examples of hardware-accelerated HTML5 to help developers imagine the potential of the web, has grown to a collection of over 140 feature-packed demos. Test Drive gives you a taste of what’s possible with HTML5 and modern browsers on modern hardware: HTML5, CSS3, ECMAScript 5, touch, GPU-powered graphics, blazing performance, audio/video, mobile, games, and more.

The support you’ve shown is humbling – over the last three years the Test Drive has received over 130 million page views! That’s more than a page per second for the last three years!We’ve had a lot of fun building the demos, and thought we’d take a look back at some of our favorite demos along the way.

IE Test Drive

The IE Test Drive Site contains over 140 demos!


Audio Explosion Touch, see, and hear IE10
CanvasPinball The perfect work time break
Chalkboard IE10 takes other browsers to school
FishBowl HTML5, CSS3, Video, Audio, Canvas, Fish
FishIE Started the fish revolution
Flying Images Our very first Test Drive!
Galactic Out of this world performance
Hamster Dance Revolution Get ready to become addicted
Love is in the Air We love you too
Minesweeper Speed that’ll make your browser explode
Mr. Potato Gun Actions speak louder than marketing videos
Psychedelic Browsing Our “highest” viewed demo after 2am
Speed Reading How fast can your browser speed read?
Touch Effects Touch your way to a faster experience
Tracking Protection Putting your privacy first

Looking Ahead

IE10 continues to deliver the best performance for real world Web sites on your Windows device, and the Test Drive is a great place to experience what’s possible yourself. Take the Test Drive for a spin today and let us know what you think!

We’re always excited and humbled by the amazing experiences developers are building on the web every day. Thank you for your continued feedback and for using IE10.

— Jon Aneja, Program Manager, Internet Explorer