PDC talk on IE Security features (FUNL03) rescheduled to tomorrow 12:30 in 402AB

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—IEBlog Editor, 21 August 2012

If you are here at the PDC you probably know that the Keynote presentation went much longer than expected today. Because of that, all of the lunch talks were cancelled, including my talk, “FUNL03 Case Study: building a more secure browser in IE7”.  There was already a group of folks waiting in the audience. When the cancellation was announced, I gave folks the option to go forward with the talk and they voted with their feet to stay. We went through parts of the deck but we didn’t really get to explore Protected Mode IE in depth. I want to thank Omri and the audience for the Indigo talk for being patient as we rushed to the finish of my presentation.

The good news is that my talk has been rescheduled for tomorrow at 12:30 in 402AB, this is upstairs from Hall C&D. If you can make it, I hope that you’ll come tomorrow. I will spend much more time discussing and demoing Protected Mode IE: how will it affect your browser extension? How hard is it for you to run your app with least privilege? I will explicitly make time to answer questions. If we run out of time in the meeting hall I will be in the Fundamentals lounge for the rest of the week and other folks will be in the IE presentation lounge. No matter how we connect, I’m so glad we’re here meeting with folks.

Thanks for your support!

 - Rob Franco