I'm OK...

I am not doing any official announcements, but as many of you know, a number of positions were eliminated at Microsoft yesterday. I've spent a lot of time thinking about those that were impacted. Yesterday was really tough and I'm still a little heart sick. My role and those of my direct reports are still intact. But there are a number of people that got some really bad news yesterday. I guess I don't want to talk about that part any more than I have to.

What I do want to focus on is the future. So I am going to do 3 things: first of all, I want to tell any recruiters out there that are interested in Microsoft talent to get in touch with DBM (Drake Beam Morin). We have them on-campus for outplacement.

Second, to those that were impacted, I encourage you to register with DBM and take advantage of everything that they have to offer. But don't let DBM be your only channel. Get on LinkedIn (give some serious thought to how you build out your profile); connect with me, if you like (I have a good network and many of them are recruiters, no surprise). Use LinkedIn to reach out to people. It's what it is for. Apply on corporate job sites. Search for jobs using search engines or job aggregater (aggregator? hmph!) tools (I think that Indeed and SimplyHired are the ones that are most popular).   Let your friends know you are looking and ask who they know. Get some objective eyes on your resume and practice interviewing. Pretty much all stuff I have said here before but it bears repeating.

Lastly, I am going to start an open thread for job search questions. If you want details on what took place yesterday, move along.