Could be a slow blogging week for me...

Aside from catching up on mail after my hard drive fiasco last week (if you sent me something and haven't heard back, I will respond evetually...I promise), I'm heading to New York City this week (mid-week) to speak at a recruiting conference (Recruiting 2004). I'm on a panel focused on recruiting best practices within top companies. OK, if you look at the agenda and see a session called "Inside World-Class Companies", that's the one. See where it lists 2 speakers and then says "and others"...yeah, I'm one of the two "others". I've decided not to take that personally. ; ) I'm speaking at their 2005 conference as well (in Vegas!)...hopefully my name will make their website then! Topic for that one will be community building (blogging, networking, etc).

I'm in major list-making mode at this point (you know...I don't want to forget card reader..check....I know, it's a curse) and making sure I am prepared for the kinds of questions I could be asked as a panelist (still working on that one, actually).

But given that I will be in such an awesome location, I'll try and find time to blog during the week. Typically, these recruiter conferences involve dinners and lots of conversation (do I have to tell you that this is my favorite part?)...not your typical 8-5 day. But I'll try to make promises though...I may have suspend some of my blogging for later.