If you want a Windows PC, then don't buy a Mac...

This is the situation. I got  a MacBooc Pro now for two weeks, I tried to Install Vista on it which failed. I settled for XP on the machine and I've been using it frequently now for the last week and a half.

My verdict? Mac ain't built to run Windows. It's not the performance, that's great, it's not the Mac logo on the cover, that just makes you look cool and it's not even the fact that a MacBook Pro heats up to temperatures hotter than Paris Hilton which rule it out as a 'lap'top. It's the keyboard...

The keyboard just ain't fit for Windows. I'm using a Swiss keyboard and imagine this: NO curly braces! A nightmare for a developer. Fortunately I'm still mostly VB. On the Mac, there is an option button, and a command button. No Delete button though! A lot of folks resort to a utility - keyboard remapper or something similar - from the Windows 2003 resource kit - I've been told and didn't check this. Also, the fact that the CD/DVD drive has no hole to push a pin in to force eject, drives me nuts.

I must say that most drivers are found by using the Apple drivers for Windows CD. But it just doesn't lok cool to be using a Microsoft USB mouse on your designer Mac. And as a side note, I can't understand that designers would digg something called the mighty mouse.

Conclusion...looks nice but that's it. I guess the title of this post could have been: Similarities between Windows on Mac and Paris Hilton.

This post is about: Vista, Apple Boot Camp