SharePoint 2010 Custom Timer Job - Send an Email

1. Open Visual Studio 2010 and goto FILE -> New Project -> Empty SharePoint Project.

2. Select SharePoint 2010 under Installed Templates under left Navigation.

3. Select Deploy as Farm Solution Option and replace https://<<ServerName>>/ with proper URL of the SharePoint site.

4. Right Click on the Project and Create a New Item

5. Select Code from Installed Templates of left Navigation and name the file as "NotificationTimerJob.cs"

6. Paste the following code


 using System; 
using System.Collections.Generic; 
using System.Linq; 
using System.Text; 
using Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration; 
using Microsoft.SharePoint; 
using System.Net.Mail; 
namespace NotificationCustomTimerJob 
 public class NotificationTimerJob : Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.SPJobDefinition 
 /// <summary> 
 /// Default Consructor 
 /// </summary> 
 public NotificationTimerJob() 
 : base() 
 /// <summary> 
 /// Parameterized Constructor 
 /// </summary> 
 /// <param name="jobName">Name of Job to display in central admin</param> 
 /// <param name="service">SharePoint Service </param> 
 /// <param name="server">Name of the server</param> 
 /// <param name="targetType">job type is for content db or job</param> 
 public NotificationTimerJob(string jobName, SPService service, SPServer server, SPJobLockType targetType) 
 : base(jobName, service, server, targetType) 
 /// <summary> 
 /// Parameterized Constructor 
 /// </summary> 
 /// <param name="jobName"></param> 
 /// <param name="webApplication"></param> 
 public NotificationTimerJob(string jobName, SPWebApplication webApplication) 
 : base(jobName, webApplication, null, SPJobLockType.ContentDatabase) 
 this.Title = "Email Notification Job"; 
 /// <summary> 
 /// Execute method called when the timer job starts executing. It runs on "DB News Announcements" list which checks for all 
 /// approved annoucements and sends out an email to all users for all approved news. 
 /// </summary> 
 /// <param name="contentDbId"></param> 
 public override void Execute(Guid contentDbId) 
 string from = string.Empty; 
 string smtpAddress = string.Empty; 
 string to = ""; 
 string subject = "Email Notification"; 
 string body = "<h1> Email Sending from Email Notification Job </h1>"; 
 // get a reference to the current site collection's content database 
 SPWebApplication webApplication = this.Parent as SPWebApplication; 
 SPContentDatabase contentDb = webApplication.ContentDatabases[contentDbId]; 
 // get a reference to the "Tasks" list in the RootWeb of the first site collection in the content database 
 SPWeb rootWeb = contentDb.Sites[0].RootWeb; 
 // Get the DB News Announcements List 
 SPList listjob = rootWeb.Lists.TryGetList("Tasks"); 
 // Get sender address from web application settings 
 from = rootWeb.Site.WebApplication.OutboundMailSenderAddress; 
 // Get SMTP address from web application settings 
 smtpAddress = rootWeb.Site.WebApplication.OutboundMailServiceInstance.Server.Address; 
 // Send an email if the news is approved 
 bool emailSent = SendMail(smtpAddress, subject, body, true, from, to, null, null); 
 if (listjob != null && emailSent) 
 SPListItem newListItem = listjob.Items.Add(); 
 newListItem["Title"] = string.Concat("Email Notification Sent at : ", DateTime.Now.ToString()); 
 /// <summary> 
 /// Send an email to indented users 
 /// </summary> 
 /// <param name="smtpAddress">SMTP address to sending email</param> 
 /// <param name="subject">subject of email</param> 
 /// <param name="body">body of email</param> 
 /// <param name="isBodyHtml">whether body is html or text</param> 
 /// <param name="from">from address</param> 
 /// <param name="to">to users(multiple email address can be seperated by comma(,) )</param> 
 /// <param name="cc">cc users</param> 
 /// <param name="bcc">bcc users</param> 
 /// <returns>Status whether email successfully sent or not</returns> 
 public bool SendMail(string smtpAddress, string subject, string body, bool isBodyHtml, string from, string to, string cc, string bcc) 
 bool mailSent = false; 
 SmtpClient smtpClient = null; 
 // Assign SMTP address 
 smtpClient = new SmtpClient(); 
 smtpClient.Host = smtpAddress; 
 //Create an email message 
 MailMessage mailMessage = new MailMessage(from, to, subject, body); 
 if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(cc)) 
 MailAddress CCAddress = new MailAddress(cc); 
 if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(bcc)) 
 MailAddress BCCAddress = new MailAddress(bcc); 
 mailMessage.IsBodyHtml = isBodyHtml; 
 // Send the email 
 mailSent = true; 
 catch (Exception) 
 mailSent = false; 
 return mailSent; 


 7. Now add a new feature



 Rename the feature to NotificationTimerJobFeature and add add an event receiver for registering the timer job and scheduling it for every 5 minutes. Change the scope to Site


 9. Paste the below code snippet in event receiver for Feature activation and deactivation.
 using System; 
using System.Runtime.InteropServices; 
using System.Security.Permissions; 
using Microsoft.SharePoint; 
using Microsoft.SharePoint.Security; 
using System.Linq; 
namespace NotificationCustomTimerJob.Features.NotificationTimerJobFeature 
 /// <summary> 
 /// This class handles events raised during feature activation, deactivation, installation, uninstallation, and upgrade. 
 /// </summary> 
 /// <remarks> 
 /// The GUID attached to this class may be used during packaging and should not be modified. 
 /// </remarks> 
 public class NotificationTimerJobFeatureEventReceiver : SPFeatureReceiver 
 // Name of the Timer Job, but not the Title which is displayed in central admin 
 private const string List_JOB_NAME = "NotificationTimerJob"; 
 // Uncomment the method below to handle the event raised after a feature has been activated. 
 public override void FeatureActivated(SPFeatureReceiverProperties properties) 
 SPSite site = properties.Feature.Parent as SPSite; 
 // make sure the job isn't already registered 
 site.WebApplication.JobDefinitions.Where(t => t.Name.Equals(List_JOB_NAME)).ToList().ForEach(j => j.Delete()); 
 // install the job 
 NotificationTimerJob listLoggerJob = new NotificationTimerJob(List_JOB_NAME, site.WebApplication); 
 SPMinuteSchedule schedule = new SPMinuteSchedule(); 
 schedule.BeginSecond = 0; 
 schedule.EndSecond = 59; 
 schedule.Interval = 5; 
 listLoggerJob.Schedule = schedule; 
 // Uncomment the method below to handle the event raised before a feature is deactivated. 
 public override void FeatureDeactivating(SPFeatureReceiverProperties properties) 
 SPSite site = properties.Feature.Parent as SPSite; 
 // delete the job 
 site.WebApplication.JobDefinitions.Where(t => t.Name.Equals(List_JOB_NAME)).ToList().ForEach(j => j.Delete()); 
 // Uncomment the method below to handle the event raised after a feature has been installed. 
 //public override void FeatureInstalled(SPFeatureReceiverProperties properties) 
 // Uncomment the method below to handle the event raised before a feature is uninstalled. 
 //public override void FeatureUninstalling(SPFeatureReceiverProperties properties) 
 // Uncomment the method below to handle the event raised when a feature is upgrading. 
 //public override void FeatureUpgrading(SPFeatureReceiverProperties properties, string upgradeActionName, System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary<string, string> parameters) 
 10. Deploy the feature by right click on the project and deploy.

 11. Now navigate to  Central Administration -> Monitoring -> Review Job Definitions  under Timer Jobs section.

 12. Administrator can change the settings of the timer job schedule. Now this job sends an email and adds a Task in the task list.