Feature of the Day: Microsoft Dynamics GP 2010 Web Services

Microsoft Dynamics GP 2010 Web Services

What’s new for Web Services in Microsoft Dynamics GP 2010?

  • 83 new web service operations, bringing the total number of available operations in Microsoft Dynamics GP 2010 to 354! 
  • New operations are focused on the following areas:
    • Applicants
    • Employee Addresses
    • Employee Pay Codes
    • HR Requisitions
    • Skills and Skill Sets
    • Vendor Addresses
    • Customer Addresses
    • Manufacturing Orders
    • Planned Orders
  • These new web services will lead to new opportunities and higher adoption rates for building on top of web services.
  • Includes support for our legacy ASP.net XML-based web services, previously hosted on IIS, and a new version of our web services, both hosted by Windows Communication Foundation (WCF). WCF is a new service-orientated programming model that allows for secure, reliable, transacted data exchange.

Why this feature is cool!

Upgrading web services to WCF provides Partners and Customers many benefits:

  • New WCF web services can be hosted with Windows Hosting – removing the dependency on an IIS server for smaller customers.
  • Improved performance over legacy web services.
  • Customizable service interfaces/contract.  Users do not have to use the large contract provided by legacy services, but can instead break them down into a smaller contract that just includes the services they plan to use – resulting in major performance increases.
  • New WCF web services are aligned with new technologies surrounding Windows Azure, .Net Service Bus, and Microsoft Office 2010.
  • Interoperability with other web service platforms and applications built on other technologies.
  • Broad choice of transport and encoding options.
  • WS* web service standard support.  Supporting these standards means that our web services support specifications agreed on by major organizations including the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) and the Advancement of Structured Information Standards (OASIS).
  • Asynchronous, un-typed message communication.  This could be utilized in the future to return keys for newly created records or transactions.