Windows Live-ID Screen customization capability for Sign-UP and Sign-IN Pages.

A question that often comes up for Web sites that want to integrate with Windows Live-ID is, is it possible to customize the look and feel for Sign-UP and Sign-IN pages when users log in with Windows Live-ID to make it look seamlessly like the look and feel of the Web site. The answer to this is a big YES and here are some screen shots. When you get an App-ID at you can also submit the XML for the sign in page that is to be used.


Now what is the big attraction to use Windows Live-ID – About 470M users have signed up for Windows Live-ID, which is close to half a billion, and you can tap into such a large base of users by integrating with Windows Live-ID.


1. Zune Sign-Up Screen


2. Zune Sign-IN Screen.


3. X-BOX Sign In Page




LiveJournal Tags: Windows Live-ID screen customization SIGN-IN sign-UP pages