Web Wednesday: Graphic Design for Developers

Next Wednesday, June 4th, at 12pm eastern, I will be pleased to host local Tablet, WPF, and Silverlight guru (and newlywed) Frank La Vigne, presenting a Web Wednesday session entitled Graphic Design for Developers.

Speaking for myself, as a developer who sometimes needs to do some small graphic design tasks and often end up frustrated by my own ignorance, when Frank mentioned this possible session I was very excited. I think this will be a great opportunity for developers to learn some basic graphic design tips and techniques that will reduce the pain when we have to put on the devigner or deseloper hat.

Here's Frank's description of the session:

Are you a developer yearning to become a dev-igner, a developer/designer hybrid?

The rise of a RIA and enabling technologies such as Silverlight, WPF, and XAML makes the “battleship gray” UIs we’re so familiar with look like the green screens of the 70’s and 80s.

The old cliché is that developers make poor designers and many developers needlessly tremble at the site of designer tools such as Expression or Photoshop.

Graphic design is a process, just like software development. 

If you learn the basics, you’ll soon turn out better User Experiences and find inspiration in the world around you.

While I can’t make you a design guru overnight, I can help you make your apps look a bit less like they did when the Spice Girls were on the pop charts.

Turtlenecks and berets optional.

I'll post the webcast sign-up information on Monday, but wanted to give folks a heads up who check their RSS through the end of Friday.