Upcoming changes in ASP.NET 2.0

Heads up on a couple of significant changes coming between Beta 1 and Beta 2 of ASP.NET 2.0...based on customer feedback, the ASP.NET team will be introducing two major breaking changes between the betas, one being the names of the special directories (Code, Data, etc.) ASP.NET 2.0 uses to store application-specific information and files, and the other being a change to the compilation model that enables developers to use the new pre-compilation feature for a code-behind class while maintaining the ability to modify the contents of the .aspx file associated with that particular page. Full details can be found at:


and on Brian Goldfarb's blog...Brian is a Product Manager on the ASP.NET team, so if you want to know what's going on with ASP.NET his is a good blog to follow.

If you're interested in commenting on the change, or have questions, there is a pinned post on the subject on the ASP.NET Forums.