Want to test drive Windows Sharepoint Services?

Interested in trying out Windows Sharepoint Services, but not ready to set it up on your own server? You can try it out online for 30 days for free at:


When you're ready, you can evaluate it in your own environment by downloading a 180 day eval copy of Windows Server 2003 available here: https://www.microsoft.com/windowsserver2003/evaluation/trial/evalkit.mspx. Once the eval copy is downloaded, you can download Windows SharePoint Services here: https://www.microsoft.com/windowsserver2003/techinfo/sharepoint/wss.mspx. After the Windows Server 2003 and WSS download, you can also download a 120 day trial copy of SharePoint Portal Server here:  https://www.microsoft.com/office/sharepoint/prodinfo/trial.mspx