Extra! Extra! Read all about it. News Reader SDK has been released!

Tim Sneath has the good news - We've Released the News Reader SDK!

The Newsreader SDK, or as it is officially called the Syndicated Client Experiences Starter Kit, is now out in the wild, so you can build your own WPF newsreader, just like the New York Times Reader, the Seattle Post-Intelligencer ,the Daily Mail in the UK, forbes.com, the Architecture Journal Reader and the newly released sample MSDN Magazine reader application.

It's a veritable cornucopia of readers!

Now, what I would like to see is a Sydney Morning Herald reader, or even an ABC News Reader, or maybe even a News News reader. Wouldn't that be something! I'm sure there are good people at work on this right now - right delicate genius?

Technorati Tags: wpf, nyt, new tork times reader, msdn, sample, news reader