Where's the Flair ???

One of our new editors over at TechTalkBlog has posed a good question - Where's the Tech.Ed 2007 Flair?

Bronwen - I'm asking the same question.

It actually goes further back than you post.

For me, it started with Tech.Ed 2004 when we were in Canberra. I asked for some flair, or at the time, we called the Blog Buttons. Berno (who at the time was a student) got some made

Then in 2005, we introduced the official flair

which then got mashed up and generated 100s of entries and ended up on tshirts, including this one

Last year, we had official flair again

See you in Sydney I'll be there I'll be there

Which inspired some more user created flair 


And of course, we also had the meegos

frankarr MeeGo

Which now brings us to 2007. What do we have? Well, there is no flair - that's for sure.

I started the whole TechEd LOLcat thing but still no flair.

What's going on? I'm going to wait a day or two and then I am going to start a campaign


Technorati tags: TechEd, Microsoft Australia, Flair