Interview Done, but I forgot some things.

Last week I mentioned I was doing an interview on Windows Vista

Well, I spoke to Adam Turner (who also runs the Seeking Nerdvana blog) who is doing a piece for Next, which is the Business tech section of The Age and the SMH.

The interview went well, but I didn't get a chance to mention some specific things.

I didn't get to refer him to the Windows Vista Developer Center or the Windows Vista Developer FAQ.

I didn't tell him about the Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 community site (aka NetFx3), with sections about Windows Communication Foundation, Windows Presentation Foundation, Windows Workflow Foundation and Windows Cardspace.

I didn't get to tell him that Paul Stovell will be doing a session on Windows Presentation Foundation for Application Developers at SDNUG on Thursday 5th October

I didn't tell him about Deepak Kapoor's blog or the Learn WPF community site.

I neglected to mention the New York Times Reader, as an example of an awesome app which demonstrates the future of dynamic publishing for large paper-based publishers, like the one Adam is working for.

Topic Explorer

It's a good thing I can blog about all this stuff which I forgot to mention

[ Current Listening to : Dimension by Wolfmother from Wolfmother ]