New York Times Reader : A WPF Real World Application

The New York Times Reader application has gone live over the weekend. (It was first announced back in April)

Large Screen Times Reader

It is an Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) powered application built on top of the .NET 3.0 Framework.

So download the app and be impressed. Here's some things to try

  • Browse around the content itself – notice that the ads are themselves WPF.
  • Resize the window or change the font size and note how WPF automatically reflows the content and adjusts the number of columns to make sure that everything looks right.
  • If you’ve got Windows Vista, try a search from the Windows search bar – you’ll see news articles appear as files in the search and clicking on the entries will direct you straight into the appropriate article itself.
  • Try the search link (just under the back/forward arrows). Notice how the articles are arranged in a heatmap tile panel view with the size denoting the importance of the article.
  • Now click the Topic Explorer and see an interconnected web of related articles.

Check out the web site and blog to read more..

If you don't want to download, Long Zheng made a cool little screencast, so you can watch the video.

Now, to show this little beauty to the local newspapers and get them excited about the possibilities.

[ Current Listening to : Mr. Brightside by The Killers from Hot Fuss [Limited Edition] ]