Keynote Over , time to rest in the Dev'Garten

So, we kicked off TechEd Sydney this morning.

I got to open the day and introduce our guest speaker Anne Kirah.

Anne was amazing. Her talk focused on the ht ework she has done observing people over, and their use, or non use of technology.

She talked about digital immigtants and digital natives - she is definitly an anthropologist.

She drew the parallels with immigrant to an new land, and how their children are the first to adapt to the new land, and this is true in most homes today -  the children and the ones who adapt and use new technology. What a wonderful analogy. I was the child of immigrants to Australia and *I* did play that role for my parents. I also see a lot of digital immigrants amongst the parents o my kids.

Anyways I am now in the Dev'Garten. See you there!

[ Current Listening to : History Repeating - Propellerheads ]