Got My Latest Gadget : iRiver Clix

I sent my dear wife down to the local DSE on a errand for me today.

When she got to the store, the guys there were busy unpacking a bunch of
boxes and weren't ready to sell this to her and told her to come back in a few
hours! A customer with money ready to buy and the sales dudes saying go
away. Doesn't seem right.

Anyways, she went down to get me this

iRiver Clix

Clix 2GB

My kids are now fighting me for it. 

It's a wonderful little device. Kudos to all involved.

Tip o'the hat to Sean Alexander
alerting me to it's local availability

[ Currently Playing : One Step
Closer - U2 - How to Dismantle an Atomic Bomb (03:51) ]