PlatformIO for Visual Studio Code: Arduino, Espressif, Raspberry Pi, mbed and more

PlatformIO for Visual Studio Code is coming! PlatformIO is an open source ecosystem for IoT development. It support 350+ embedded boards, 20+ development platforms and 10+ frameworks.

It has integration for many popular IDEs and editors but not Visual Studio Code. With this PlatformIO extension, we have added support for PlatformIO now! You could use your favorite VS Code and the popular PlatformIO ecosystem for great IoT development!

Currently, the extension has below four main functions:

1. Build PlatformIO project


2. Upload firmware to devices


3. Open Serial Monitor


4. Search for PlatformIO Library


The extension is in the very initial phase. If you find any bug or have any suggestion/feature request, please join the chat on Gitter or submit the issues to the GitHub Repo.

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