Automating Report Deployment with Reporting Services in SharePoint Integration Mode

Automating Report Deployment in Reporting Services can be challenging.  SharePoint offers many modes of deployment of files.  Unfortunately the out of the box deployment for SharePoint does not allow for automatic hook up of data sources.  So you can deploy the rdl's using SPFile upload functions on the SPWeb of your choice but those rdls will exist without data sources.  Here are the steps you will need to follow to deploy the reports automatically

1. Create the document library

2. Activate the Report Server Feature - no example but you'll need to check using something like SPContext.Current.Site.Features["367B94A9-4A15-42BA-B4A2-32420363E018"] != null

3.  Add the reporting services content type to the document libraries

4. Add the data sources

5. Add the reports

6. Associate the data sources with the reports

Here is my report manager that is an excellent example of being able to add reports dynamically from the file system.  In order to upload the report you'll need to call the ReportingServices2006 web service.  The reports manager is accessed by the Feature Activator on a custom feature just to give you an idea of how you might drive this.  The entry method is Deploy.

class RSHelper
        public const string DOCLIBRARYNAME = "SomeLibrary";

        string dataSourceName = "somedatasource" ;
        ReportingService2006 rs;
        string libraryUrl;
        string path;
        SPWeb web;

  public void Deploy(string path, SPWeb web)
            this.path = path;
            this.web = web;
            this.libraryUrl = string.Format("{0}/{1}/", web.Url, DOCLIBRARYNAME);
            rs = new ReportingService2006();
            rs.Url = web.Site.Url + "/_vti_bin/ReportServer/ReportService2006.asmx";

            rs.Credentials = System.Net.CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials;

       private  void CreateReportsLibrary()
            Guid guid;

            SPDocumentLibrary list = null;
            //Not good practice but dictionary throws an exception when item not there.
            foreach (object o in web.Lists)
                SPDocumentLibrary tempLib = o as SPDocumentLibrary;
                if (tempLib != null && tempLib.Title == DOCLIBRARYNAME)
                    list = tempLib;

            if (list == null)
                guid = web.Lists.Add(DOCLIBRARYNAME, "", SPListTemplateType.DocumentLibrary);
                list = web.Lists[guid] as SPDocumentLibrary;

//Add RS Content Types 
            (list).ContentTypesEnabled = true;
            SPContentTypeId id;
            SPContentType contentType;
            id = new SPContentTypeId("0x010100C3676CDFA2F24E1D949A8BF2B06F6B8B");//rdl
            contentType = web.AvailableContentTypes[id];
            if (list.ContentTypes[contentType.Name] == null)
            id = new SPContentTypeId("0x0101007DFDDF56F8A9492DAA9366B83A95B3A0");//rsds
            contentType = web.AvailableContentTypes[id];
            if (list.ContentTypes[contentType.Name] == null)
            id = new SPContentTypeId("0x010100D8704AF8ED734F4088724751E0F2727D");//model
            contentType = web.AvailableContentTypes[id];
            if (list.ContentTypes[contentType.Name] == null)

        private void AddDataSourceToLibrary()
            DataSourceDefinition dsd = new DataSourceDefinition();
            dsd.CredentialRetrieval = CredentialRetrievalEnum.None;
            dsd.ConnectString = "data source=.;initial catalog=someDB;Trusted_Connection=true";
            dsd.Enabled = true;
            dsd.EnabledSpecified = true;
            dsd.Extension = "SQL";
            dsd.ImpersonateUserSpecified = false;
            //Use the default prompt string.
            dsd.Prompt = null;
            dsd.WindowsCredentials = false;
            rs.CreateDataSource(dataSourceName+".rsds", libraryUrl, true, dsd, null);


        private void AddReportToLibrary()
            Byte[] definition = null;
            Warning[] warnings = null;
            string[] files = Directory.GetFiles(path);
            foreach (string file in files)
                FileStream stream = File.OpenRead(file);
                definition = new Byte[stream.Length];
                stream.Read(definition, 0, (int)stream.Length);
                string filename = file.Replace(path, "");
                string parent = libraryUrl;
                if (file.Contains("rdl"))
                    CatalogItem report = rs.CreateReport(filename, parent,
                                true, definition, null, out warnings);
                    string mime = "image/gif";
                    CatalogItem report = rs.CreateResource(filename, parent,
                             true, definition, mime, null);
                if (warnings != null)
                    foreach (Warning warning in warnings)
                    Logger.Log(string.Format("Report: {0} created successfully " +
                                      " with no warnings", file));


        private void AddDataSource(CatalogItem report)
            DataSourceReference reference = new DataSourceReference();
            reference.Reference = string.Format("{0}{1}.rsds",libraryUrl,dataSourceName);
            DataSource ds = new DataSource();
            ds.Item = reference;
            ds.Name = dataSourceName;
            rs.SetItemDataSources(report.Path, new DataSource[] { ds });