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Exchange Web Services Java API 1.1 is now available. Yes, that’s right, Java!

Hi Everyone,

I’m pleased to announce the public availability of the Microsoft Exchange Web Services (EWS) Java API 1.1. The final package was posted this past weekend for download. This package offers the same functionality that our EWS Managed API 1.1 for the Microsoft .NET Framework offers.  During the course of development, we’ve had internal and external users working with beta drops of this API.  There is a lot of excitement about it, and now we’re happy to finally offer it to everyone.

This API was developed in order to facilitate Exchange development on other platforms. It has been over a year in development, and it is our first release of a package that includes source code. Although the source is viewable, our licensing for this iteration does not allow for modification of the source code. It can be used to build against a particular JRE or JDK, but the license agreement only allows the object code to be shared in your application. We took this approach because we’re keeping the releases in sync with our Exchange versions. The 1.1 release corresponds to Exchange 2010 SP1. 

We’re looking forward to what the future holds for client development on other platforms. 

We encourage you to develop your Exchange client on other platforms now, and would like to hear about your projects.

Michael Mainer
Exchange SDK and Interoperability
Microsoft Corporation