CAB and Multimonitor applications

This is a frequent question, especially with customers that are building application that require huge screen real estate management (industrial control, etc).

If you are building such solutions, the Screen object is your friend.

For example, if you are using a WindowWorkspace (where each part will be displayed in a separate non-modal window), you can control where the views will appear with the WindowSmartPartInfo:

WindowSmartPartInfo wspi = new WindowSmartPartInfo();
wspi.Title = "A title for my view"
wspi.MinimizeBox = false;
wspi.MaximizeBox = false;
wspi.Width = 500;

//Quick test on Screen object

if (Screen.AllScreens.Length > 1)
wspi.Location = new Point( Screen.AllScreens[1].Bounds.X,


          WorkItem.Workspaces["Main"].Show(v, wspi);