More articles on CAB changes by the dev team - The official list

Here's a compilation of all articles on CAB CTP2 and changes introduced since CTP1. I plan to keep this post updated as new articles become available.

Brad Wilson:

  • The Big Changes to WorkItem – WorkItem was basically re-written… here’s a stab at the most important changes to the surface API.
  • Goodbye, Application Host! – It’s official. No more application host. Here’s why and what we now have instead.
  • CabApplication and Family – CAB now has a framework of application classes that you use to get your CAB application booted up
  • Development Tools – A brief explanation of the different versions of VS, NUnit, etc. that work with each release

Ed Jezierski:

  • WorkItem Extensions – Ed talks about how to extend someone else’s WorkItem with the new WorkItemExtension stuff.

Peter Provost

  • Property Injection - An article on Property Injection vs Field Injection (something we allowed in the past, but not in CTP2)
  • Converting Monitors to Builders – Coming soon!

John Luif